Pear Swivel

Korda Pear Swivel

2,15 €

Pear Swivel - Modello 22081.50oz / 43gDisponibile 2,15 €
(IVA Incl.)
Pear Swivel - Modello 22092.00oz / 56gDisponibile 2,15 €
(IVA Incl.)

The classic pear lead will cast a very very long way, almost as far as the Distance Casting and it is less affected by cross winds because the shape is very condensed. This means that the Pear lead is suited to most carp fishing situations when fishing anything up to the very limit of your casting ability.
The dumpy shape can be used to your advantage in silt. Try using a very light pear lead say 1oz or 2oz and actually let the lead plug into the silt, this will dramatically increase the resistance to a moving carp so what feels like a light lead in your hand is transformed into a heavy lead in the fishing situation.
Because the lead has a large rounded end it makes ‘feeling' the lead hit the bottom easier than more slender or pointed shapes. If you are new to this technique this lead will make the job easier.
If you don't know what we are talking about check out the carp mags they are always showing you to do it! We rely on it so heavily we couldn't leave the rig our there without ‘feeling' the lead down to the bottom.
The pear lead is also ideal in a solid PVA bag because it can be pushed down into one of the corners. This makes the bag nose heavy and so more accurate.

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L'azienda con il logo verde ha da sempre portato avanti una politica fondata su una sola cosa: la qualità dei prodotti. Leader indiscusso nell'ambito della minuteria per il Carpfishing, nel corso degli anni Korda è riuscita ad abbracciare anche altri settori di questa pesca mettendo a punto prodotti veramente funzionali e con una cura nella ricerca dei materiali davvero indiscutibile, un esempio lampante i Singlez.