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Hot Chorizo Excract 500 ml

Hot Chorizo Excract 500 ml



CC Moore Hot Chorizo Excract 500 ml

11,92 €


14,90 €

Questo eccezionale liquido piccante dal gusto di salsiccia affumicata, consente al pescatore di migliorare drasticamente la propria esca con un potente gusto carnoso che si distingue dalla massa.

Dal gusto piccante indimenticabile, salato, fornisce una moltitudine assoluta di attrattori potenti e sostanze nutritive che insieme fanno una superbafonte di cibo.

l'utilizzo su boilies, pellets, miscele SPOD, mangimi sciolte e inneschi.

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CC Moore

At CC Moore & Co Ltd we strive to produce fishing baits of the highest possible quality, giving anglers the greatest chance of catching in any given situation. Whether using boilies, pellets, particles, groundbaits, hookbaits or spod mixes you can rest assured that if you’re sat behind rods baited with CC Moore products you’ve taken your first steps to angling success.

Specialising in high quality baits which are proven to catch fish and not just anglers, our products are not only unrivalled in their natural attraction but are also so highly nutritious that they encourage fish to accept and search them out as a viable food source once they have been introduced. This has been proven time and time again by the capture and re-capture of many specimen Carp and other species from angling venues all across the world.