Aqua RS 4 Quiver Black Series



RS 4 Quiver Black Series

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53,00 €

Questo fodero di tipo Quiver è tanto semplice quanto efficace.

Il Quiver RS4 discende dal nostro progetto originario con un unico compartimento centrale per contenere un brolly o un bivvy, e una tasca frontale perfetta per ospitare sacche dipesatura o picchetti.

Caricare i foderi Quiver con pesanti bivvy, potrebbe stressare i materiali, ma con i nostri rinforzi in Nyplex sulla base renderanno l'RS4 più resistente e duraturo.

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Aqua Products

Aqua Products® was formed in 1990 in response to a need for quality bivvies. Founded by Chris Manifold, a pioneering bivvy designer, Aqua Products birth is attributed to the founder’s desire to have a shelter to complement his own angling sessions. From this personal desire to have a product that was better than any other on the market, Aqua Products® emerged and evolved into the well respected brand it is today, with a history of manufacturing some of carp angling’s most desired bivvies.